Wednesday, March 28, 2012


 I joined Pinterest about a month ago.  I set up 5 boards - I like it, For the Home, Travel, Sew much fun and Quilts.
It automatically made me followers on Pinterest of people who I am friends with on Facebook.

There is a a way to just see what they have "pinned" or you can just have everything that has been "pinned" or go to an interest of yours and see what has been "pinned" about that subject.

If you like it, you repin it to your board.  The whole thing seems to be digital bulletin boards of pictures which are attached to web addresses.  Like bookmarking but with pictures and organized on boards.

I "pinned" this.
And this.

Ok, now I guess I go back and make these items?  I already have a file drawer full of patterns and magazine articles I would like to try.  I guess this is just adding to that file, but digitally.

People seem to "pin" a lot of recipes.  I try to avoid cooking so that part did not appeal to me.

I added to the feed some "pins" from my blog which people "repinned" but no new blog followers.

If you would like to see my boards, be my guest.  My pinterest home  Click here!

There are a lot of ways to investigate your interests, your friends and in general waste time online.  Except for reading this blog, that is a wise investment of your time!

I admit it, I am hooked on Facebook and Yelp.  I like Goodreads.  I use email.  I tweet every once in a while.  I have a drop box account.  Now I have a Pinterest account.  Maybe different social media and online sites appeal to different people.  I did find a knit shop whose Pins I like by the name of Merche Grossomodo.  I even found her on Facebook.  Now what?

What do you think of Pinterest?

Oh, feel free to "pin" this to one of your boards!


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